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Drink Better Wine: Wine Bar Review

Originally published at: https://winechatty.com/2015/09/25/drink-better-wine-wine-bar-review/
Drink Better Wine: Wine Bar Review Wine Adventure Roll Call: FLS (Fearless Leader Sam) DP (Desperado Pete) NGN (New Guy Nick). I have argued long and hard that drinks on a Tuesday night are no way for a civilized man to endure the working week. Monday is for recovery and the rest of the week…

I feel like the Lark Hill was a great find. A more budget-friendly alternative to the Clonakilla SV which I love, but too expensive to drink regularly.

@SammyLee Lark Hill was great and fantastic recommendation from DBW. I’m going to search out Dan Murphys for a bottle or two.
We need to get more people together to come here. Doing bottles between 3 people gets a bit heavy man