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Wine Vs. Calories and my waistline

Originally published at: https://winechatty.com/blogs/wine-vs-calories-and-my-waistline/
Wine Vs. Calories A serious consideration about contributing to a wine blog is the contribution that wine has to the ‘blog’ around my waistline. A common and sensible weight loss advice is to reduce the amount of alcohol consumption and, while this will generally contribute to weight management, I have learnt that wine (and in…

@petertan Would you say in general reds or whites would have more calories (broadly speaking)?

Reds generally have a higher calorie count than whites because of higher alcohol content.
I would have thought that sweet whites (sweet end riesling, sauternes etc.) would have sugar that add up to a greater calorie count than reds. However their lower alcohol percentage still keeps them under.